Shin'ichi Sekizawa

Shin'ichi Sekizawa

writer, producer, production designer

Shin'ichi Sekizawa was born on Jun 02, 1920 in Japan. Shin'ichi Sekizawa's big-screen debut came with Tokai no yokogao directed by Hiroshi Shimizu in 1953.

Shinichi Sekizawa was born in Kyoto, Japan on June 2, 1921. He began his cinema career in 1939, working on an animated movie in Kyoto. He was called into the service in 1941 and returned to Japan in 1946. In 1948, he was hired at Beehive Productions, where he worked as an assistant director and a screenwriter. In 1953, Sekizawa made his debut as a screenplay writer for the film "Profile of the City." His first science fiction film was Shin Toho's

  • Birthday

    Jun 02, 1920
  • Place of Birth

    Kyoto, Japan

Movies & TV Shows
