Robert Corvin

Robert Corvin

actor, casting department, additional crew

Robert Corvin was born on Jul 12, 1958 in USA. Robert Corvin's big-screen debut came with The Girls in the Office directed by Ted Post in 1979, strarring Mail Clerk. Robert Corvin is known for Seven Deadly Sins directed by Geoffrey Sharp, Robert Corvin stars as Virgil and Robin Tweed as Mozart Countess. The upcoming new movie Robert Corvin plays is Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen which will be released on Jun 24, 2009.

Robert Corvin was born on July 12, 1958 in Royal Oak, Michigan, USA. He is known for

  • Birthday

    Jul 12, 1958
  • Place of Birth

    Royal Oak, Michigan, USA

Known For

Movies & TV Shows

TV Shows