June Glory

June Glory


June Glory was born on Aug 10, 1914 in USA. June Glory's big-screen debut came with Fox Movietone Follies of 1929 directed by David Butler in 1929. June Glory is known for Gentlemen Prefer Blondes directed by Howard Hawks, Jane Russell stars as Dorothy Shaw and Marilyn Monroe as Lorelei Lee. The upcoming new movie June Glory plays is Around the World in 80 Days which will be released on Oct 17, 1956.

The woman who would use the name "June Glory" professionally was born Norma Ruth Reimiller in Ohio. Relocating to California with her parents and two younger siblings as a child, she was quite athletic and was the champion running broad-jumper for her school. Perhaps this athleticism is what brought her into dancing, as it was as a dancer that she made what is likely her screen debut in 1929. Though, she never received screen credit, Glory was a recognizable extra in at least thirty motion pictures during her career, including titles such as "Gold Diggers of 1933" (1933), "Dames" (1934), "Show Boat" (1936). In 1937, she wed writer/producer/director Jack Hays (1898-1975), the man who helped launch the film career of Shirley Temple (1928-2014). The couple divorced in 1946, but Glory retained his last name in her private life until her death. Apparently leaving motion pictures behind in the 1950s, Glory faded into obscurity. She passed away in 1982 at just 68 years old.

  • Birthday

    Aug 10, 1914
  • Place of Birth

    Ohio, USA

Known For

Movies & TV Shows
