Julio Bove

Julio Bove

producer, director, actor

Julio Bove was born on Jul 25, 1954 in Argentina. Julio Bove's big-screen debut came with Unrest directed by Jason Todd Ipson in 2006, strarring Psychiatrist.

Graduated from USC's Peter Stark Master's Program and USC BA School of Cinema. Wrote, directed, and produced several films, theater, and TV projects, all while mentored by well known producers at Warner Bros. Upon graduation he was selected for the Paramount Pictures Internship Program, which exposed him to the intense studio culture. In May 2000, Julio formed his own independent Film, TV, Theatre, Dance Production company, Bosco Entertainment, in Los Angeles, where he writes and produces for all mediums. Fluent in 5 languages.

  • Birthday

    Jul 25, 1954
  • Place of Birth

    Buenos Aires, Argentina

Movies & TV Shows
