George Probert

George Probert


George Probert was born on Apr 04, 1870 in USA. George Probert's big-screen debut came with Nedra directed by Edward José in 1915, strarring Hugh Ridgway. George Probert is known for Madame Peacock directed by Ray C. Smallwood, Alla Nazimova stars as Jane Goring and George Probert as Robert McNaughton. The upcoming new movie George Probert plays is Madame Peacock which will be released on Oct 24, 1920.

George Probert was a stage actor who worked regional theatre for much of his twenties and broke onto Broadway at age 25. Like many actors of his day, he bounced back and forth between Broadway and the road for several years, unable to consistently make a living along the Great White Way, despite appearing in 2 highly successful productions of the day. "Brewster's Millions" had run for nearly 5 months of 1907 and "Samson" provided 6 months' work beginning in mid-Fall 1908. Despite these early tastes of fame, the road show circuits always offered far more consistent employment--- even a marginal production might offer a season of bookings with the added camaraderie of a tight-knit acting company. Film work was merely a financial dalliance with Probert; in Late August 1915, Pathe offered him his first shot on screen with

  • Birthday

    Apr 04, 1870
  • Place of Birth

    Erie, Pennsylvania, USA

Known For

Movies & TV Shows
