Chris Wright

Chris Wright


Chris Wright was born on Sep 19, 1972 in USA. Chris Wright's big-screen debut came with El Coyote directed by Jeffrey Nicholson in 2019, strarring Nino.

Born on September 19, 1972 in Macon, Georgia. Soon after the family moved to Homerville, a small town in the extreme southeast corner of the state on the edge of the Okeefenokee Swamp. "You couldn't get more redneck than that, one red light and more alligators than people." He was quoted as saying. A former embalmer and Army combat veteran of Afghanistan, Chris was prompted to try his hand at acting by his friend, the late Ralph Richeson of Deadwood fame. He is the father of two teenage sons.

  • Birthday

    Sep 19, 1972
  • Place of Birth

    Macon, Georgia, USA

Movies & TV Shows
