
Try Seventeen full movie is released on Apr 01, 2003. Watch Try Seventeen online - the English Comedy movie from Canada , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $155,997. Try Seventeen is directed by Jeffrey Porter and created by Charles Kephart with Elijah Wood and Franka Potente. Try Seventeen is available online on Apple TV and Amazon Video.

After 17-year-old misfit Jones Dillon (Wood) drops out of college on his first day, he moves into an old apartment building where he soon becomes entangled in the lives of his kooky new neighbors, including a temperamental photographer (Potente) and a self-absorbed aspiring actress (Moore). When he's not busy flirting with the ladies or learning to live on his own, would-be writer Jones divides his time between fending off queries from his alcoholic mother (Perkins), penning letters to his absentee father, and indulging in an overactive fantasy life. Then an auto accident forces a reality check, nudging Jones to grow up and decide what he really wants.

As know as:

All I Want, Kuuma nuoruus, Tutto quello che voglio, Семнадцатилетние, Да бъдеш на 17


Canada, United States


English, German

Production Companies:

Millennium Films, Capital Arts Entertainment, Flirt Pictures

Gross worldwide:



You're only seventeen once. For Jones Dillon, it's one time too many.

Cast & Crew

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