
The Legend of the Christmas Witch (also know as La Befana vien di notte) full movie is released on Dec 27, 2018. Watch The Legend of the Christmas Witch online - the Italian Adventure movie from Italy , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $8,843,257. The Legend of the Christmas Witch is directed by Michele Soavi and created by Nicola Guaglianone with Paola Cortellesi and Stefano Fresi. The Legend of the Christmas Witch is available online on The Roku Channel and Tubi TV.

During the day Paola is an ordinary primary school teacher, but at night, she turns into The Christmas Witch, a magical creature who brings gifts to the good kids.

As know as:

La Befana vien di notte, La Befana vien di notte, La leyenda de la bruja de Navidad, Unsere Lehrerin, die Weihnachtshexe, A lenda da Befana


Italy, Spain



Production Companies:

Lucky Red, Morena Films, Rai Cinema

Gross worldwide:


Cast & Crew

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