The Lady in the Van Trailer & Clips


The Lady in the Van full movie is released on Feb 26, 2016. Watch The Lady in the Van online - the English Biography movie from United Kingdom , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $41,387,687. The Lady in the Van is directed by Nicholas Hytner and created by Alan Bennett with Maggie Smith and Jim Broadbent. The Lady in the Van is available online on Amazon Video and Vudu.

This movie tells the true story of Alan Bennett's (Alex Jennings') strained friendship with Miss Mary Shepherd (Dame Maggie Smith), an eccentric homeless woman who Bennett befriended in the 1970s before allowing her temporarily to park her Bedford van in the driveway of his Camden house. She stayed there for fifteen years. As the story develops, Bennett learns that Miss Shepherd is really Margaret Fairchild (died 1989), a former gifted pupil of pianist Alfred Cortot. She had played Chopin in a promenade concert, tried to become a nun, was committed to an institution by her brother, escaped, had an accident when her van was hit by a motorcyclist for which she believed herself to blame, and thereafter lived in fear of arrest.

As know as:

Dama iz dvorišta, A kertbérlő, Lady in the Van, Dama w vanie, ミス・シェパードをお手本に

Release Date:

Feb 19, 2016

Release Date (Streaming):

Apr 19, 2016


United Kingdom


English, French

Stream Service:

Sony Pictures Classics

Production Companies:

BBC Films, Dream Cars, TriStar Productions

Official Site:

Official Facebook

Gross worldwide:



A mostly true story, The Lady arrives. The Lady charms. The Lady stays.


Roxana Hadadi
Chesapeake Family Magazine
The Lady in the Van follows a fairly typical old-people-are-more-than-they-seem storyline ... The bizarreness of this true story is underplayed.
by rottentomatoes, Aug 02, 2016
Sandra Hall
Sydney Morning Herald
She's not easy to love and the film is slow-going and a little laboured in its attempts to shape her idiosyncrasies into a plot, but the gradual revelation of the reasons for her decline give Smith plenty of opportunities to soften her grouchiness.
by rottentomatoes, Mar 04, 2016
Paul Byrnes
Sydney Morning Herald
Bennett offers Maggie Smith a chance to renovate her own recent persona with a woman who's heroically alive. Smith takes it with both hands, giving us more of the loneliness and despair of old age than the glib comedy.
by rottentomatoes, Mar 04, 2016

Cast & Crew

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