The Intruder Trailer & Clips


The Intruder full movie is released on May 03, 2019. Watch The Intruder online - the English Horror movie from United States , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $36,599,361. The Intruder is directed by Deon Taylor and created by David Loughery with Michael Ealy and Joseph Sikora. The Intruder is available online on Starz Roku Premium Channel and Starz.

In San Francisco, the couple Scott and Annie are happily married. When Scott is promoted in his job, Annie asks him to move to Napa Valley to raise a family with children of their own. They negotiate and buy the old house that belongs to the structural engineer and widower Charlie Peck. But soon Scott notes that Charlie is always in his real estate and is hitting on Annie and he decides to investigate with his friend Mike who Charlie is.

As know as:

Hóspede Indesejado, Ο εισβολέας, Intruder, A betolakodó, Незваный гость

Release Date:

May 03, 2019

Release Date (Streaming):

Jul 16, 2019


United States, Canada



Stream Service:

Sony Pictures Entertainment, Screen Gems

Production Companies:

Screen Gems, Hidden Empire Film Group (HEFG), Primary Wave Entertainment

Official Site:

Official Site

Gross worldwide:



Your House. His Home., Don't Let Him In


Tim Cogshell
FilmWeek (KPCC - NPR Los Angeles)
It's fun! Is it brilliant or groundbreaking? No.
by rottentomatoes, Sep 28, 2019
Elena Lazic
Little White Lies
The Intruder succeeds in making this scenario less blatantly paranoid and misanthropic than it often appears... It also helps that Quaid, showing remarkable dedication to the role, jumps effortlessly between magnanimous old fool and evil.
by rottentomatoes, Jul 29, 2019
Bilge Ebiri
New York Magazine/Vulture
Iit's high time Quaid truly embraced the role of a real horror-movie psycho, and the key pleasure of... The Intruder lies in watching the actor bounce among extremes of charm, anxiety, chumminess, and madness.
by rottentomatoes, May 13, 2019

Cast & Crew

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