The Courier Trailer & Clips


The Courier full movie is released on Nov 22, 2019. Watch The Courier online - the English Action movie from United Kingdom , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $4,700,862. The Courier is directed by Zackary Adler and created by Zackary Adler with Olga Kurylenko and Gary Oldman. The Courier is available online on Amazon Prime Video and EPIX Amazon Channel.

A joint task force operation is protecting a witness, Nick Murch, who is due to testify against powerful crime lord Ezekiel Mannings. At the safe house, a courier rings the bell to deliver a package, which is then revealed to be something that will jeopardize the trial, leaving the blame at the feet of the courier. After someone tries to kill the witness and the courier during the package drop, she devotes herself to protecting Nick, to make sure he finishes what he has set out to do.

As know as:

Zabójcza przesyłka, Correio de Alto Risco, Người Chuyển Phát Nhanh, Kurjere, The Courier - Tödlicher Auftrag

Release Date:

Nov 22, 2019

Release Date (Streaming):

Nov 22, 2019


United Kingdom



Stream Service:


Production Companies:

Lionsgate, Grindstone Entertainment Group, Capstone Entertainment Group

Gross worldwide:



Don't Shoot The Messenger, From the Producer of 'Darkest Hour'


Anton Bitel
Sight & Sound
Ex 'Bond girl' Kurylenko kicks ass against a motley crew of musclebound, tattooed masculinity, with an ironic smile that reminds us this is little more than a fun genre ride - with viciously gory kills.
by rottentomatoes, Jan 07, 2020
Clarisse Loughrey
Independent (UK)
[The Courier is] a leaden action film that lacks both imagination and logic.
by rottentomatoes, Dec 21, 2019
Ed Potton
Times (UK)
Save for the game Kurylenko, it should be bed without supper for everyone involved here.
by rottentomatoes, Dec 20, 2019

Cast & Crew

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