Scanners Trailer & Clips


Scanners full movie is released on Jan 14, 1981. Watch Scanners online - the English Horror movie from Canada , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $14,225,876. Scanners is directed by David Cronenberg and created by David Cronenberg with Jennifer O'Neill and Stephen Lack. Scanners is available online on HBO Max and HBO Max Amazon Channel.

Darryl Revok is the most powerful of all the scanners, and is the head of the underground scanner movement for world domination. Scanners have great psychic power, strong enough to control minds; they can inflict enormous pain/damage on their victims. Doctor Paul Ruth finds a scanner that Revok hasn't, and converts him to their cause - to destroy the underground movement.

As know as:

Scanners: Los amos de la muerte, Telépatas, mentes destructoras, Scanners: Sua Mente Pode Destruir, Scanners: Η νύχτα του μεγάλου τρόμου, Scanners - Ihre Gedanken können töten

Release Date:

Jan 14, 1981

Release Date (Streaming):

Aug 28, 2001





Stream Service:

AVCO Embassy Pictures

Production Companies:

Canadian Film Development Corporation (CFDC), Filmplan International, Montreal Trust Company of Canada

Gross worldwide:



There are 4 billion people on earth. 237 are Scanners. They have the most terrifying powers ever created... and they are winning., Their thoughts can kill!, 10 Seconds: The Pain Begins. 15 Seconds: You Can't Breathe. 20 Seconds: You Explode.


Bruce McCabe
Boston Globe
Scanners, according to David Cronenberg's new film, are people who can control others with their thoughts...The idea has a certain cachet. But Scanners doesn't pay off on it.
by rottentomatoes, Apr 28, 2018
Keith Phipps
The Dissolve
The generous selection of bonus features includes vintage elements, like a trailer made up almost entirely of the exploding-head scene, a handful of radio spots, and a 1981 talk-show appearance in which Cronenberg discusses his work up to that point.
by rottentomatoes, Jul 14, 2014
Nathan Lee
Film Comment Magazine
Scanners consolidates the ruling problematic of the Cronenberg project from the sex slugs of Shivers to the financial abstractions of Cosmopolis: what are the effects of signals on an organism?
by rottentomatoes, Jul 07, 2014

Cast & Crew

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