Paprika Trailer & Clips


Paprika full movie is released on Jun 22, 2007. Watch Paprika online - the Japanese Animation movie from Japan , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $946,590. Paprika is directed by Satoshi Kon and created by Yasutaka Tsutsui with Megumi Hayashibara and Tôru Furuya. Paprika is available online on Criterion Channel and Amazon Video.

Three scientists at the Foundation for Psychiatric Research fail to secure a device they've invented, the D.C. Mini, which allows people to record and watch their dreams. A thief uses the device to enter people's minds, when awake, and distract them with their own dreams and those of others. Chaos ensues. The trio - Chiba, Tokita, and Shima - assisted by a police inspector and by a sprite named Paprika must try to identify the thief as they ward off the thief's attacks on their own psyches. Dreams, reality, and the movies merge, while characters question the limits of science and the wisdom of Big Brother.

As know as:

Kẻ Trộm Giấc Mơ, 盜夢探偵, Paprika. El reino de los sueños, 红辣椒, 盜夢偵探

Release Date:

Jun 01, 2007

Release Date (Streaming):

Nov 27, 2007




Japanese, English

Stream Service:

Sony Pictures Classics

Production Companies:

Madhouse, Sony Pictures Entertainment

Gross worldwide:



This is your brain on anime.

Cast & Crew

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