
Lunacy (also know as Sílení) full movie is released on Nov 17, 2005. Watch Lunacy online - the Czech Animation movie from Czech Republic , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $133,982. Lunacy is directed by Jan Svankmajer and created by Edgar Allan Poe with Jan Tríska and Pavel Liska.

A horror movie testing two approaches to running an insane asylum - absolute freedom versus control and punishment - within the context of a world that combines the worst of both. Jean Berlot, a young man subject to a nightmare of being forced into a straitjacket by two orderlies, is befriended by a marquis. At the marquis's estate, Jean witnesses a black Mass, buries someone alive, and is invited to try preventive therapy. He's willing to enter a sanatorium because he believes he can rescue a young woman from there who has told him that the real director and staff of the clinic are locked in the basement. Jean conspires with her to set them free: the horrors have only begun.

As know as:

Sílení, Sílení, Insanidade, Holdkór, Vajprats


Czech Republic, Slovakia



Production Companies:

Athanor, C-Ga Film, Ceská Televize

Gross worldwide:



Edgar Allan Poe + the Marquis de Sade + Jan Svankmajer = Lunacy

Cast & Crew

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