Knowing Trailer & Clips


Knowing full movie is released on Mar 20, 2009. Watch Knowing online - the English Action movie from United States , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $183,658,498. Knowing is directed by Alex Proyas and created by Ryne Douglas Pearson with Nicolas Cage and Chandler Canterbury. Knowing is available online on Freevee Amazon Channel and AMC on Demand.

In the fall of 1959, students draw pictures of life as they imagine it will be in 50 years, for a time capsule. Lucinda, an odd child who hears voices, swiftly writes a long string of numbers. In 2009, the capsule is opened; student Caleb Koestler gets Lucinda's "drawing" and his father John, an astrophysicist and grieving widower, takes a look. He discovers dates of disasters over the past 50 years with the number who died. Three dates remain, all coming soon. He investigates, learns of Lucinda, and looks for her family. He fears for his son, who's started to hear voices and who is visited by a silent stranger who shows him a vision of fire and destruction. What's going on?

As know as:

Zapowiedź, Presagio, Sinais do Futuro, Know1ng - Die Zukunft endet jetzt, Presságio

Release Date:

Mar 20, 2009

Release Date (Streaming):

Jul 07, 2009


United States, United Kingdom, Australia



Stream Service:

Summit Entertainment

Production Companies:

Summit Entertainment, Escape Artists, Mystery Clock Cinema

Gross worldwide:



Knowing is Everything..., What Happens When The Numbers Run Out?, A Superbly Crafted Thriller.


Candice Frederick
Reel Talk Online
... I was dozing off...
by rottentomatoes, Sep 12, 2017
Jordan Hoffman
Knowing feels like a bunch of cool ideas that were strewn about a table, picked up, shoved together, tied up with duct tape and, somehow, managed to stay working for the ride.
by rottentomatoes, Aug 14, 2009
Sandra Hall
Sydney Morning Herald
Rather like watching an intricately arranged set of dominos starting to topple. That's neat. I didn't see that one coming, you think, as yet another train carriage joins the pile-up.
by rottentomatoes, Apr 03, 2009

Cast & Crew

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