It's Kind of a Funny Story Trailer & Clips


It's Kind of a Funny Story full movie is released on Oct 08, 2010. Watch It's Kind of a Funny Story online - the English Comedy movie from United States , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $6,491,240. It's Kind of a Funny Story is directed by Anna Boden,Ryan Fleck and created by Anna Boden with Keir Gilchrist and Dana DeVestern. It's Kind of a Funny Story is available online on Apple iTunes and Amazon Video.

Craig is a high-school junior in the gifted program, infatuated with his best friend's girl. When he realizes he's suicidal, he checks himself into the psychiatric ward of a hospital, thinking they'll do an observation, help him, and send him home in time for school the next day. Once in, however, he must stay for a week; the juvenile ward is being renovated, so he's in with adults as well as a few youths. Bobby, a man with a young daughter, shows him around; Craig notices Noelle, about his age. He tries to keep his friends from finding out where he is. He draws, goes to therapy, sings, helps Bobby rehearse an interview. Is this the stuff of insight?

As know as:

Jedna smešna priča, C'est comme une drôle d'histoire, なんだかおかしな物語, É Uma Espécie de... Comédia, Це дуже забавна історія

Release Date:

Oct 08, 2010

Release Date (Streaming):

Feb 08, 2011


United States



Stream Service:

Focus Features

Production Companies:

Focus Features, Wayfare Entertainment, Misher Films

Official Site:

Official Facebook

Gross worldwide:



Sometimes what's in your head isn't as crazy as you think.


Nell Minow
Movie Mom
by rottentomatoes, Feb 18, 2012
Connie Ogle
Miami Herald
It's Kind of a Funny Story lacks substance, but after you've spent a short time in this ward, you have to agree with Craig: These crazies aren't so bad.
by rottentomatoes, Jan 31, 2011
Tim Robey
Daily Telegraph (UK)
As a self-help sitcom, it feels both glib and icky. Glicky?
by rottentomatoes, Jan 13, 2011

Cast & Crew

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