
IN OUR HANDS: Battle for Jerusalem (also know as In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem) full movie is released on May 23, 2017. Watch IN OUR HANDS: Battle for Jerusalem online - the English Documentary movie from United States , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $2,534,370. IN OUR HANDS: Battle for Jerusalem is directed by Erin Zimmerman and created by Erin Zimmerman with Haim Almakis and Zion Ashkenazi.

Produced by CBN Documentaries and Biblical Productions, "In Our Hands" tells the story of the Battle of Jerusalem in the Six-Day War through the eyes of the IDF's 55th Paratrooper Brigade, highlighting their role in the liberation of Jerusalem. The docudrama combines dramatic reenactments with interviews of veterans of the Six-Day War and archival footage and photos.

As know as:

In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem, IN OUR HANDS: Battle for Jerusalem, In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem, Taistelu Jerusalemista, In Our Hands


United States



Production Companies:

Biblical Productions, CBN Films

Official Site:

Official Site

Gross worldwide:


Cast & Crew

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