
How to Change the World full movie is released on Sep 09, 2015. Watch How to Change the World online - the English Documentary movie from Canada , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $31,191. How to Change the World is directed by Jerry Rothwell and created by Jerry Rothwell with Robert Hunter and Patrick Moore. How to Change the World is available online on AMC+ Amazon Channel and AMC+ Roku Premium Channel.

In 1971, a group of friends sail into a nuclear test zone, and their protest captures the world's imagination. Using never before seen archive that brings their extraordinary world to life, How To Change The World is the story of the pioneers who founded Greenpeace and defined the modern green movement.

As know as:

Greenpeace - Wie alles begann, Wie man die Welt verändert, Jak zmenit svet, Da Greenpeace endret verden, Как изменить мир


Canada, United Kingdom, Netherlands



Production Companies:

Met Film Production, Daniel Film, Insight Production Company

Official Site:

Official Facebook

Gross worldwide:



The revolution will not be organized., Greenpeace - where it all began.

Cast & Crew

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