
El ataúd de cristal full movie is released on May 18, 2018. Watch El ataúd de cristal online - the Spanish Horror movie from Spain. El ataúd de cristal is directed by Haritz Zubillaga and created by Aitor Eneriz with Paola Bontempi and .

Dressed for the occasion with an elegant evening dress, Amanda enters the huge and luxurious limousine waiting in front of her house to take her to the gala where she will receive a prize for her career as an actress. Suddenly the windows are tinted black, Amanda's cell phone is disabled and can not open any of the doors. And a voice, distorted by a metallic filter, asks you to please stop trying to break any of the windows, it will be impossible, that was what I had anticipated. You'd better assume she's trapped inside. " From now on, if Amanda does not want more unpleasant things to happen than is strictly necessary, it will be better for the rest of the night to comply with whatever the voice commands.

As know as:

El ataúd de cristal, Limousine, リムジン, Szklana trumna, Стеклянный гроб





Production Companies:

Basque Films, Byp Media, Demeter Films

Official Site:

Official site (Spain)

Cast & Crew

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