Dan in Real Life Trailer & Clips


Dan in Real Life full movie is released on Oct 26, 2007. Watch Dan in Real Life online - the English Comedy movie from United States , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $68,474,305. Dan in Real Life is directed by Peter Hedges and created by Pierce Gardner with Steve Carell and Juliette Binoche. Dan in Real Life is available online on Disney Plus and Apple iTunes.

Single father Dan Burns dedicates his life to his children, but one day he meets Marie at a bookstore. They get to know each other, but then Dan finds out that Marie is actually dating his brother, Mitch.

As know as:

Dan - Mitten im Leben!, L'amore secondo Dan, Como la vida misma, Dani, un tipo de suerte, Dan en la vida real

Release Date:

Oct 26, 2007

Release Date (Streaming):

Mar 11, 2008


United States



Stream Service:

Buena Vista

Production Companies:

Touchstone Pictures, Focus Features, Jon Shestack Productions

Gross worldwide:



Something's happening to Dan. It's confusing. It's awkward. It's family.


David Fear
Time Out
by rottentomatoes, Nov 16, 2011
Ben Kenigsberg
Time Out
by rottentomatoes, Nov 16, 2011
Alonso Duralde
Alas, [Hedges'] forays behind the camera with Pieces of April and now Dan in Real Life indicate he's got Sundance intentions but a Hallmark Channel soul.
by rottentomatoes, May 01, 2008

Cast & Crew

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