Captive State Trailer & Clips


Captive State full movie is released on Mar 15, 2019. Watch Captive State online - the English Action movie from United States , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $8,808,611. Captive State is directed by Rupert Wyatt and created by Erica Beeney with John Goodman and Ashton Sanders. Captive State is available online on fuboTV and FXNow.

Nearly a decade after occupation by an extraterrestrial force, the lives of a Chicago neighborhood on both sides of the conflict are explored. In a working-class Chicago neighborhood occupied by an alien force for nine years, increased surveillance and the restriction of civil rights have given rise to an authoritarian system - and dissent among the populace.

As know as:

Elrabolt világ, Rebelia, État captif, Nación cautiva, Captive State - Cercados

Release Date:

Mar 15, 2019

Release Date (Streaming):

Jun 11, 2019


United States



Stream Service:

Focus Features

Production Companies:

Participant, Lightfuse & Gettaway, Amblin Partners

Official Site:

Official Facebook

Gross worldwide:



Ten years ago, they took our planet. Today, we take it back., This is no longer our planet., The Phoenix Will Rise!


Dmitry Samarov
Chicago Reader
Whether our streets are under assault by alien insects or craven speculators, if a filmmaker shows the places we know and love, we will care about the story's fate, no matter how far-fetched.
by rottentomatoes, Mar 28, 2019
Matthew Monagle
Austin Chronicle
At its best, Captive State blends imaginative science-fiction with the caliber of detail-oriented espionage you might find in an Alan J. Pakula film.
by rottentomatoes, Mar 21, 2019
Leah Pickett
Chicago Reader
Overall it's a mess, compounded by murky CGI and some unrealistic performances.
by rottentomatoes, Mar 16, 2019

Cast & Crew

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