Breach Trailer & Clips


Breach full movie is released on Feb 16, 2007. Watch Breach online - the Latin Biography movie from United States , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $40,953,935. Breach is directed by Billy Ray and created by Adam Mazer with Chris Cooper and Ryan Phillippe. Breach is available online on DIRECTV and Apple iTunes.

In February, 2001, Robert Hanssen, a senior agent with 25 years in the FBI, is arrested for spying. Jump back two months: Eric O'Neill, a computer specialist who wants to be made an agent is assigned to clerk for Hanssen and to write down everything Hanssen does. O'Neill's told it's an investigation of Hanssen's sexual habits. Within weeks, the crusty Hanssen, a devout Catholic, has warmed to O'Neill, who grows to respect Hanssen. O'Neill's wife resents Hanssen's intrusiveness; the personal and professional stakes get higher. How they catch Hanssen and why he spies become the film's story. Can O'Neill help catch red-handed "the worst spy in history" and hold onto his personal life?

As know as:

Bedrag, The 11th Hour, Avsløringen, Ha-Pirtza, Ściśle tajne

Release Date:

Feb 16, 2007

Release Date (Streaming):

Jun 12, 2007


United States


Latin, English, Russian, Arabic

Stream Service:


Production Companies:

Universal Pictures, Sidney Kimmel Entertainment, Outlaw Productions (I)

Gross worldwide:



Inspired by the true story of the greatest security breach in U.S. history, How one man betrayed the security of a nation., One Secret Changed America forever


Derek Malcolm
London Evening Standard
Breach is slow, but never ponderous, and not at all like your average spy thriller. It has less obvious thrills and more depth.
by rottentomatoes, Aug 31, 2007
Anthony Quinn
Independent (UK)
A sombre game of cat-and-mouse. What it lacks in genuine tension it amply compensates in the understated performances of the two leads.
by rottentomatoes, Aug 31, 2007
David Gritten
Daily Telegraph (UK)
Intriguing and intelligent, Breach may be too understated for its own good.
by rottentomatoes, Aug 31, 2007

Cast & Crew

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