Big Eyes Trailer & Clips


Big Eyes full movie is released on Dec 25, 2014. Watch Big Eyes online - the Italian Biography movie from United States , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $29,253,166. Big Eyes is directed by Tim Burton and created by Scott Alexander with Amy Adams and Christoph Waltz. Big Eyes is available online on Netflix and Apple iTunes.

In San Francisco in the 1950s, Margaret was a woman trying to make it on her own after leaving her husband with only her daughter and her paintings. While struggling to make an impact with her drawings of children with big eyes, she meets gregarious ladies' man and fellow painter Walter Keane in a park. The two quickly become a pair with outgoing Walter selling their paintings and quiet Margaret holed up at home painting even more children with big eyes, but Walter's actually selling her paintings as his own. A clash of financial success and critical failure soon sends Margaret reeling in her life of lies. With Walter still living the high life, Margaret's going to have to try making it on her own again and reclaiming her name and her paintings.

As know as:

Големи очи, Big Eyes, Lielās acis, Wielkie oczy, Big Eyes: Retratos de una mentira

Release Date:

Dec 25, 2014

Release Date (Streaming):

Apr 14, 2015


United States, Canada


Italian, English, French

Stream Service:

Weinstein Co.

Production Companies:

The Weinstein Company, Silverwood Films, Tim Burton Productions

Official Site:

Official Facebook

Gross worldwide:



She created it. He sold it. And they bought it., A true story about art and the art of deception.


Andi Zeisler
Bitch Media
The stranger-than-fiction biopic Big Eyes is only the second of [Tim Burton's] non-animated pictures to have a woman at its center, and, perhaps not surprisingly, it's one of the richest portraits he's brought to the screen yet.
by rottentomatoes, Jan 22, 2021
Scott Marks
San Diego Reader
Burton had a chance to make a powerful statement on the struggle for a woman to achieve artistic recognition and instead settled for another childlike fairy tale.
by rottentomatoes, May 23, 2016
David Stratton
The Australian
Burton is telling a fascinating story here, and his confident sense of time and place, allied to Adams's adept performance as the increasingly assertive artist, provide many pleasures.
by rottentomatoes, Mar 27, 2015

Cast & Crew

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