Airborne Trailer & Clips


Airborne full movie is released on Sep 17, 1993. Watch Airborne online - the English Adventure movie from United States , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $2,850,263. Airborne is directed by Rob Bowman and created by Bill Apablasa with Shane McDermott and Seth Green. Airborne is available online on Google Play Movies and YouTube.

Mitchell Goosen is a California teenager who loves to surf and rollerblade. When his zoologist parents are given a grant to work in Australia, they can't take Mitchell so they send him to Cincinnati, Ohio to stay with his aunt, uncle, and cousin Wiley--who will be his roommate for the next six months. At his new school Mitchell gets on the bad side of the high-school hockey players, so he and Wiley endure weeks of torture from them. Until they all must learn to get along and team up to beat the Central High School rivals in a competition down the Devil's Backbone.

As know as:

En plein vol, Dobd fel magad!, Rollerblades - Sulle ali del vento, Odlotowe szaleństwo, Sobre Rodas


United States



Production Companies:

Icon Entertainment International, Icon Productions

Official Site:

Awful Movies Wiki

Gross worldwide:



The World's Only Rock 'N' Rollerblade Movie., Mitchell Became The Most Popular Guy On Earth...Once He Took To The Sky!, To AIR isn't just human. It's necessary., There are two kinds of people: those who get AIRBORNE...and those who don't., The world's only Rock 'N' Rollerblade movie., Heroes aren't made. They're AIRBORNE., Mitchell's life was a California Dream...until he woke up in Cincinnati

Cast & Crew

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