30 Days of Night Trailer & Clips


30 Days of Night full movie is released on Oct 19, 2007. Watch 30 Days of Night online - the English Action movie from United States , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $75,513,170. 30 Days of Night is directed by David Slade and created by Steve Niles with Josh Hartnett and Melissa George. 30 Days of Night is available online on Apple iTunes and Amazon Video.

When their annual month-long polar night arrives around the corner, the town of Barrow, Alaska seems like all will be alright during that time, but all is far from alright. After strange things start to happen around the town, the town's sheriff Eben Oleson will soon discover the real horrifying truth to what's been going on: the town has been targeted by a clan of hungry, bloodthirsty vampires. After most of the town's people are killed off, the rest of population goes into hiding. With no way to call or get help from the outside world, it is up to the town's survivors to find a way to make through the month of darkness if they hope to survive.

As know as:

30 Days Night, 30 Rooz Shab, 30 dni mroku, 30 días de oscuridad, Treinta días de noche

Release Date:

Oct 19, 2007

Release Date (Streaming):

Feb 26, 2008


United States, New Zealand



Stream Service:

Sony Pictures Entertainment

Production Companies:

Columbia Pictures, Ghost House Pictures, Dark Horse Entertainment

Gross worldwide:



They're Coming!, Welcome to Barrow (Alaska), Inhabitants: (scratched number 588') 15


Wesley Morris
Boston Globe
by rottentomatoes, Nov 29, 2011
Hank Sartin
Time Out
by rottentomatoes, Nov 17, 2011
Ben Kenigsberg
Time Out
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Cast & Crew

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