13 Hours Trailer & Clips


13 Hours full movie is released on Jan 15, 2016. Watch 13 Hours online - the English Action movie from United States , which has achieved a worldwide gross of $69,411,370. 13 Hours is directed by Michael Bay and created by Chuck Hogan with John Krasinski and James Badge Dale.

Libya, 2012. At an unofficial CIA base in Benghazi a group of ex-military contractors are providing security. In the aftermath of Gaddafi's downfall a power vacuum exists and the climate is volatile. Military weapons are freely available. The US Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, makes a visit to the area, staying in a compound near the CIA base. On the night of 11 September, 2012, the Ambassador's compound is attacked by hordes of heavily armed locals. The only forces willing and able to defend it are six CIA contractors.

As know as:

13 годин: Таємні воїни Бенгазі, 13 horas: Los soldados secretos de Bengasi, 13 valandų: slaptieji Bengazio kariai, 13時間 ベンガジの秘密の兵士, 13 ore: soldatii secreti din Benghazi

Release Date:

Jan 15, 2016

Release Date (Streaming):

Jun 07, 2016


United States, Malta, Morocco


English, Arabic

Stream Service:

Paramount Pictures

Production Companies:

Paramount Pictures, 3 Arts Entertainment, Bay Films

Official Site:

Official Facebook

Gross worldwide:



In 2012, the threat level in Benghazi, Libya was deemed "critical". When everything went wrong, six men had the courage to do what was right., When everything went wrong six men had the courage to do what was right


Sara Michelle Fetters
The emotional component is cheapened, at least partially, inserting a level of bad taste into the proceedings I found difficult to get past.
by rottentomatoes, Aug 16, 2016
Max Weiss
Baltimore Magazine
Makes American Sniper look positively pacifist by comparison.
by rottentomatoes, Jun 12, 2016
Jason Bailey
Punishingly paced, flimsily constructed, and tackily executed, with the subtlety and panache of a third-rate 1930s melodrama.
by rottentomatoes, Apr 27, 2016

Cast & Crew

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